Implants, Bridges and Dentures

Modern Tooth Replacement Options

When you have lost a tooth in Port Macquarie, Dr Fernando’s team can help you find the best replacement option.

Tooth Replacements: Implants, Bridges and Dentures

If you have suffered the loss of a tooth, you are not alone. Millions of Australians face the problem of missing teeth. At Port Pacific Dental, our dentists offer solutions to meet the varying needs of our patients’ lifestyles and budgets.

Dental Implants: A Practical Solution to Replace Missing Teeth

Many people choose to replace missing teeth with dental implants because they are sturdy, long-lasting, and easy to care for. Additionally, dental implants are almost like having your natural tooth again. You can care for single dental implants the same way you care for your natural teeth, making them convenient as well.

Missing teeth can lead to a host of other dental problems when they are not replaced. 

  • Tooth misalignment
  • Bone loss
  • Reduced nutrition due to a limited diet
  • Speech impairment
  • Changes to facial structure
  • Malocclusion (bad bite)

Prompt tooth replacement can be more beneficial because it can prevent teeth from shifting.

The Dental Implant Process

Dental implants require adequate healthy bone for surgical placement. An evaluation with your Port Macquarie dentist will determine if you are a good candidate for dental implants. If not enough healthy bone is present to support the dental implant, additional procedures such as bone grafting and sinus augmentation can still make it possible.

Once you are ready for dental implant placement, there are a few main steps:

Dental implant surgery — Placing the dental implant screw into the bone
Healing and integration — Waiting for the surgical site to heal and the implant to fuse with the jawbone (osseointegration)
Restoration — Placing the crown on the dental implant to complete your smile
Routine maintenance — Home dental care and regular dental checks

Most people tolerate dental implant surgery well and have only minor discomfort and swelling in the days following. Your dentist will talk to you about what to expect and how to care for your surgical site following your procedure.

The Dental Implant Process

Dental implants have a few benefits over other tooth replacement options.

Bone retention — Because dental implants fuse with the natural bone, they can slow the process of resorption (bone loss) common with tooth loss.

Convenience — You can brush and floss dental implants just like your natural teeth.

Long-Term solution — In many cases, with the proper care, dental implants can last for decades or even a lifetime.

Missing teeth can impact speech, the foods you choose to eat, and even your confidence when left untreated. Dental bridges can replace one or two missing teeth between two healthy teeth.

Conventional Dental Bridges

Dental bridges are made to replace missing teeth with prosthetic teeth such as porcelain, porcelain fused to metal, full metal, or gold. Prosthetic teeth attach to neighbouring teeth with crowns to strengthen them, improve aesthetics, and restore function.

We offer tooth-coloured options so that your dental bridge looks completely natural.

Fibre-Reinforced Bridge

A fibre-reinforced bridge is a same-day, chairside treatment that is quick, easy and convenient. It also provides an economical option for the replacement of missing teeth.

At Port Pacific Dental, we use everStick C&B fibre-reinforced bridges. This material is made of glass fibres that strengthen composites, creating a composite bridge that can be done in the same visit as your tooth extraction. This is a great instant solution to replace missing teeth. The procedure involves cleaning the adjacent teeth next to the missing tooth. We then build a composite tooth to fill the gap.

Replacing missing teeth with a dental bridge or dental implant helps to keep your remaining teeth in line with a natural appearance.

Dentures and Partial Dentures: A Time-Tested Solution for Missing Teeth

When patients want an alternative to dental implants, or a non-surgical option to replace missing teeth, dentures and partial dentures provide reliable results. 

Dentures – Complete dentures replace an entire arch of teeth
Partial dentures – Replace multiple missing teeth on the upper or lower arch

Dental implants can also be used to secure dentures for added stability.

If you’ve been living with one or more missing teeth, we invite you to contact Dr Fernando and his team for more information. We would like to assist you in discovering if dental implants, bridges, dentures or partial dentures are good solutions for you.